воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

НАДН в спорте и медицине: обзор иностранной литературы

О НАДН (никотинамидадениндинуклеотидфосфате) мы писали в предыдущих статьях. Сейчас мы хотим предоставить информацию с англоязычных источников, о роли и значении этого вещества в обмене энергии в организме, его влиянии на нервную систему, и роли в развитии ряда патологическихситуаций и перспективах применения в медицине и спорте.  (Скачать монографию о НАДН).
NADH stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NADH is a naturally occurring coenzyme nutrient for people desiring a stimulant-free energy boost. NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) works as a redox active substance and participates in biologic energy production.
Some facts have shown that a mitochondrial DNA mutation appears to cause a defective complex I in the mitochondria of Parkinson”s disease patients. Complex I is consist of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase. It is contemplated that due to stimulation of levodopa biosynthesis Exogenous NADH may improve symptoms in some with ideopathic Parkinson”s disease. ENADAlert NADH tablets are usually taken as needed to help naturally boost performance for 3-5 hours when taken at least one hour before activities such as traveling, time zone changes/jetlag, long meetings, studying, workouts, and athletic events.
NADH and Energy Production:
NADH is one of the most important naturally occurring coenzymes found throughout the body. A coenzyme is the active or working form of a vitamin or vitamin-like substance that is essential to metabolism. NADH is mainly involved in three energy production cycles that helps your body to oxidize (burn) all foods including carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids to produce ATP energy. Enada NADH plays a key part to supply cells with energy. Each NADH creates a lot of energy, according to its size. One NADH ignites enough glucose fuel to create 3 units of ATP energy (ATP is a complex nanomachine that serves as the primary energy currency of the cell). More NADH a cell can take more energy the cell can produce.
NADH and Mood Enhancement:
Primary function of Enada NADH is to produce energy but NADH also enhances mood due to its significant role in the growth of dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine and serotonin are two types of neurotransmitters in the brain that send electrical messages through and across the brain and affects the brain processes that control movement, emotional response, and the capacity to feel pleasureand pain. Shortage of these neurotransmitters may cause Parkinson”s disease. Healthy levels of serotonin and dopamine support a balanced mood and sense of well being.
NADH Research Summary:
It is reported that NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) may stimulate endogenous dopamine biosynthesis have led to its experimental use in Parkinson”s disease. Using both intravenous and oral NADH some favorable results have been shown in studies and open-label trials. In an open-label study of 885 subjects with Parkinson”s disease, half received parenteral NADH and half received oral NADH with similar results. Out of these patients, 80% were clinically benefited and have shown lots of improvement. It was also observed that younger patients and those with the shortest duration of disease had shown the most improvement.
Another recent study was conducted whether oral NADH affects lipids in a hypertensive animal model and might lower blood pressure. This was totally a blinded, placebo-controlled, 10-week study. Over the first month systolic blood pressure was the same in the treated and placebo groups but after that period systolic blood pressure was drastically reduced in the NADH group. Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol have also shown reduction in the NADH group. No real differences were reported in blood levels of insulin, glucose, triglyceride or HDL cholesterol. More research is needed to see whether NADH might be useful in cardiovascular disease.
NADH Benefits:
Boosts energy
Improves your memory
Repairs DNA molecules
Produces ATP energy
Increases dopamine and serotonin
Lowers blood pressure
Protects liver from alcohol damage
Is used to treat Parkinson”s and Alzheimer”s disease
Acts as an athletic performance
Protect against alcohol-induced inhibition of testosterone biosynthesis
Natural Sources:
Meat, muscle tissue of fish, poultry, and cattle; yeasted foods.
Major Forms:
NADH is available in tablets form

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