среда, 4 декабря 2013 г.

Testosterone propionate can have permanent effect on muscles, says animal study

Good news for chemical bodybuilders who’d like to change to a steroid-free lifestyle, but are afraid that they’ll lose all the muscle that they’ve so carefully built up. Researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway did tests with mice and discovered that a considerable amount of the effect of testosterone administration on muscle mass is permanent.
Good news for chemical bodybuilders who’d like to change to a steroid-free lifestyle, but are afraid that they’ll lose all the muscle that they’ve so carefully built up. Researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway did tests with mice and discovered that a considerable amount of the effect of testosterone administration on muscle tissue is permanent.

Athletes who’ve managed to – say – do six reps with 120 kg, and then don’t touch a barbell for ten years, will probably lose nearly all the muscle mass they’ve built up. But if they resume training, then they’ll get that lost muscle mass and strength back in no time at all. The phenomenon is called ‘muscle memory’.
In 2010 the Norwegians published an animal study in PNAS in which they described how muscle memory works. [Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 24;107(34):15111-6.] We borrowed the figure below from the publication.
If you train muscles the fibres absorb more stem cells. These stem cells then grow into adult muscle cells in the muscles.
The increase in the number of muscle cells in your muscle fibres makes your muscles stronger and bigger. If you stop training, then your muscle cells will become smaller, but the extra cells remain in your muscles.
In 2010 the Norwegians concluded that strength athletes can continue to derive benefit from their muscle strength into old age. Moreover, the researchers suspect that steroids users continue to derive benefit from the courses they’ve taken for years after stopping.
“Anabolic steroids have been shown to increase the number of nuclei”, the researchers write. “Thus, the benefits of using steroids might be permanent and should have consequences for the exclusion time after a doping offense.”
Good news for chemical bodybuilders who’d like to change to a steroid-free lifestyle, but are afraid that they’ll lose all the muscle that they’ve so carefully built up. Researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway did tests with mice and discovered that a considerable amount of the effect of testosterone administration on muscle mass is permanent.
The animal study that will soon be published in the Journal of Physiology shows that the Norwegians were on the right track in 2010. In the new study the researchers implanted pellets containing testosterone propionate [structural formula shown here] in mice [Steroid pellet]. These meant that there was much more testosterone circulating in the animals’ bodies for a period of two weeks than in the bodies of the mice in the control group – the latter had been given an implant that did not contain an active substance [Sham pellet].
As a result of the raised testosterone level, the number of muscle cells in the muscle fibres [Myonuclei] of the mice in the testosterone group increased by 66 percent. Their muscle fibres became 77 percent thicker [CSA].
After fourteen days the researchers stopped administering testosterone propionate. The number of muscle cells in the mice’s muscle fibres remained the same, but the dimensions of the muscle fibres decreased.
After a period of three months the researchers forced the mice to exercise their muscles more than normal for a period of six days [Overload]. The muscles of the mice that had received testosterone grew faster than those of the mice in the other group.
“Our data demonstrate that in least in mice, an episode of testosterone use may recruit a long lasting pool of excess myonuclei, and a persistent increased ability to regain muscle mass by resistance exercise in the absence of further steroid exposure”, the Norwegians write. “Thus, the benefits of even episodic drug abuse might be long lasting if not permanent in athletes. Our data suggests that World Anti-Doping Code calling for only two years of ineligibility after a conviction for steroid use, should be reconsidered.”
The study was partly financed by Anti Doping Norway and the WADA.

A cellular memory mechanism aids overload hypertrophy in muscle long after an episodic exposure to anabolic steroids.

Egner IM, Bruusgaard JC, Eftestøl E, Gundersen K.
University of Oslo, Norway;
Previous strength training with or without the use of anabolic steroids facilitates subsequent re-acquisition of muscle mass even after long intervening periods of inactivity. Based on in vivo and ex vivo microscopy we here propose a cellular memory mechanism residing in the muscle cells. Female mice were treated with testosterone propionate for 14 days, inducing a 66% increase in the number of myonuclei and a 77% increase in fibre cross sectional area. Three weeks after removing the drug, fibre size was decreased to the same level as in sham treated animals, but the number of nuclei remained elevated for at least 3 months (>10% of the mouse lifespan). At this time, when the myonuclei-rich muscles were exposed to overload-exercise for 6 days, the fibre cross sectional area increased by 31% while control muscles did not grow significantly. We suggest that the lasting, elevated number of myonuclei constitutes a cellular memory facilitating subsequent muscle overload hypertrophy. Our findings might have consequences for the exclusion time of doping offenders. Since the ability to generate new myonuclei is impaired in the elderly our data also invites speculation that it might be beneficial to perform strength training when young in order to benefit in senescence.
PMID: 24167222 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24167222

Too much growth hormone reduces life expectancy

Growth hormone [structure below] is often sold as an anti-aging hormone that will restore vitality and fitness in the elderly, but no proof has ever been given that growth hormone therapy extends life expectancy. Worse still: tests with mice that produce more growth hormone as the result of genetic modification show the opposite effect. GH-modified mice live shorter.

Growth Hormone
Professor of geriatrics Andrzej Bartke published an article on the subject in Neuroendocrinology five years ago, summarizing the evidence from studies with growth-hormone mice. The mice grow to be thirty to sixty percent bigger than ordinary mice and mature more quickly. Once adult they have less fat, but they also die more quickly. The mice in some studies lived only half as long.
The graph below shows the results of an experiment in which researchers compared the survival rate of transgenic GH-supermice [Tg] with that of normal mice.
In psychological tests young GH-mice score higher than normal mice. On the other hand, the GH-mice show more rapid mental decline once they reach old age.
GH-mice are more fertile than ordinary mice. They not only start to reproduce at a younger age, but the females bear more young in each nest and become fertile again more quickly after producing a litter.
It is not clear why extra growth hormone reduces longevity. GH-mice often have an enlarged liver and are more likely to develop cancer, but that is not enough to explain this.
The reduced longevity is probably an endocrinal effect. GH-mice make more corticosteroid hormone, more IGF-1 and more insulin. Insulin and corticosteroid hormone are known to speed up the aging process. Mice that don’t react to growth hormone because they have no GH receptors live longer than normal mice.
An additional explanation is that an increased growth hormone level raises the food energy requirements. The mice don’t have enough to be able to carry out repairs, as all their energy goes into growth. There have been tests in which GH-supermice live longer if they are given extra food in the form of sugar water.
In his article, Bartke does not go so far as to say that the use of growth hormone shortens life. The animal-study data do not necessarily apply to humans. But if companies are selling growth hormone as a longevity drug, you’d expect that they’d be able to back up their claims with research. But they can’t.
“The widely published ‘anti-aging’ effects of exogenous GH concern primarily changes in body composition, lipid profiles, and various indices of the quality of life rather than biomarkers of aging”, Bartke writes in the last paragraph of his article. “There are no data on the effects of GH therapy on longevity in men.”

Can growth hormone (GH) accelerate aging? Evidence from GH-transgenic mice.

Bartke A.
Departments of Physiology and Medicine, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL 62794-9628, USA. abartke@siumed.edu
Overexpression of heterologous growth hormone (GH) in transgenic mice results in numerous phenotypic effects, including a drastically shortened life span. Early onset of pathological changes in the kidneys, glomerulosclerosis and glomerulonephritis, undoubtedly contributes to and perhaps accounts for reduced longevity of these animals. However, GH-transgenic mice exhibit various symptoms of accelerated aging, including increased astrogliosis, shortened reproductive life span, and early onset of age-related changes in cognitive function, hypothalamic neurotransmitter turnover, and plasma corticosterone levels. The hypothesis that supraphysiological levels of GH can accelerate aging derives indirect support from findings in GH-deficient and GH-resistant mutant mice in which aging is delayed and the life-span is increased and from the reciprocal relationship of body size and longevity within species.
Copyright 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel
PMID: 14583653 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Витамин С

Употребляйте 1000-1500 мг витамина С в день.
Для этого достаточно сходить в аптеку и купить аскорбиновую кислоту, которая стоит сущие копейки.

А тот в свою очередь: понижает уровень кортизола, позволяя вашему организму выработать больше тестостерона, как цинк снижает уровень фермента ароматаза, который превращает ваш тестостерон в эстроген.
1000-1500 мг этого вещества является оптимальной дозой для спортсмена.

Эффекты аскорбиновой кислоты

Образование коллагена, серотонина из триптофана, образование катехоламинов, синтез кортикостероидов. Аскорбиновая кислота также участвует в превращении холестерина в желчные кислоты. Витамин С необходим для детоксикации в гепатоцитах при участии цитохрома P450. Восстанавливает убихинон и витамин Е. Стимулирует синтез интерферона, следовательно, участвует в иммуномодулировании. Переводит двухвалентное железо в трёхвалентное, тем самым способствует его всасыванию.

Тормозит гликозилирование гемоглобина, тормозит превращение глюкозы в сорбитол. Витамин С — сильнейший антиоксидант— защищает липопротеины от окисления, антиатерогенная молекула.

Именно от витамина С зависят усвоение пищевого белка и дальнейший синтез новых белковых структур, в частности в мышцах. Витамин С является сильнейшим стимулятором анаболизма мускулатуры. Тем не менее, принимать его в бодибилдинге следует разумно и не превышать дозы.

Кроме того, в исследованиях было установлено, что аскорбиновая кислота обладает антикатаболическим действием за счет подавления секреции кортизола и процесса перекисного окисления, разрушительно действующего на мышцы. Поэтому витамин С можно принимать перед тренировкой для снижения катаболических процессов и защиты мышц, а также по завершению цикла анаболических стероидов, как компонент PCT. Некоторые авторы сообщают о способности увеличивать продукцию тестостерона, однако исследования это опровергают.