пятница, 30 декабря 2016 г.

Critical Assessment of the Current WADA Approach for the Detection of 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosteron

Критика методологии по определению долгоживущих метаболитов орал-туринабола. Методологии, используемой WADA, и разработанной в Москве, под руководством Родченкова и Соболевского.
Это первый нормальный, цивилизованный шаг в сторону правового, научного подхода к защите наших спортсменов. Не ток-шоу на Первом, для внутренней аудитории, не идиотские интервью, после которых сразу делаются заявления о вырванности заявлений из контекста, не тролли в интернете, а публикация в рецензируемом научном журнале. На английском языке.

Critical Assessment of the Current WADA Approach for the Detection of 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosteron
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DOI: 10.4236/jasmi.2016.64008    33 Downloads   89 Views  
This paper is focused on application of method for detection of novel metabolites of 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (known as oral turinabol, OT), which were postulated as long-term metabolites. The method started to be applied without rigorous validation, verification and excretion assay assisted as evidences for existence of the declared detectable compounds as true metabolites derived after OT biotransformation. This method has been started to use almost in its original form which arose in 2012 year for the very first time and never been revised and re-confirmed in peer-reviewed journals. Usually WADA encourages accredited laboratories to publish their results of methods development, validation and specific excretion studies in peer-reviewed journals. However, an incorrect method with neglected validation design and implicit data contradictions is currently widely applied. The author of this presented paper was athletes’ representative on repeated occasion and has been provided with several full documentation packages of OT novel metabolites analysis. Thus, the author makes its own conclusion based on its own evidences of that currently employed method and data analysis is exactly the same declared in a wrong way as emerged from the original paper.
Cite this paper
Kopylov, A. (2016) Critical Assessment of the Current WADA Approach for the Detection of 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosteron. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation6, 65-82. doi: 10.4236/jasmi.2016.64008.
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