воскресенье, 5 июля 2015 г.

5 Best Ways To Activate & Upgrade Your DNA


By Amateo Ra |Within your cells, you are made of DNA. It is the core root of your human body, the engine of evolution and from it we create everything we know. DNA isn’t fixed, however, it evolves and improves. Science has proven DNA can be programmed with words and frequencies. Like we upgrade our iphones and computers, we too can upgrade and activate our DNA. This is the best way to do it.
DNA is the code for our genetic instructions. If you take note of the World, we are in the greatest time of technological advancement we’ve ever recorded historically. Whether you look at the advancements in technology, the increase in performance in athletes or the advents in health and medicine, something remarkable is occurring.
To put it simply, if everything humans are creating is evolving at an accelerated rate, can’t we assume the very DNA creating these same humans is also advancing at an accelerated rate?
And this isn’t a secret, studies are discovering genetic anomalies & advancements in humans everyday.
This brings us to understand that our DNA is currently being upgraded just simply based on the moment in evolution we are currently existing in. In addition to this, based on scientific and spiritual evidence to support it, we can influence and support our DNA’s advancement. New studies are beginning to reveal the secret information that is actually being stored in what has been referred to as 95% junk DNA.
The true level of power to activate our DNA remains to be seen, not to mention what is possible for us from an evolutionary standpoint. Who knows what kind of beings we can actually become?!
The code of our DNA actually reads like a book, and it’s the biological story within you. It’s time to actively participate in writing, coding and defining that story. You can do this by becoming aware of the intentional relationship you can have with it, as well as encourage it, and your own, evolution. This is how….

1) Sun and Moon Gaze/Bathe

The Sun and the Moon radiate light codes to the planet. These light codes inform our DNA to release instructions, as well as our cells and body to release vitamins and absorb the energy.
Getting a healthy amount of sun & moon energy is vital to sync your DNA cycles to the cycles of the cosmos. The synchronization with Cosmic Cycles was one of the most cherished and sought after experiences for advancement of ancient civilizations, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, etc.
I recommend gently sun gazing right before sunset, and gradually increase your ability to stare at the sun, starting at just a few seconds. And you can also simply bask in the Sun & Moon’s energy, as soaking it in will provide you and your DNA countless benefits. Just don’t overdo it!

2) Talk to Your DNA


As mentioned above, your DNA is responsive to words and frequencies (Source). We’ve also learned that words and intentions greatly affect the structure of water (Masaru Emoto). And we know that water molecules characterize the structure of DNA (Source).
What if I told you that you can actually have a conversation with your DNA?
Try it. Sit in meditation and ask it questions, and see the answers you’ll get within you. Don’t over question it, simply listen to the responses that show up in your inner-space. Many I know have said the clarity of the conversations is remarkable, and many have attested to having conversations with their DNA in Ayahuasca experiences.
Similarly to talking to your DNA, it’s very important to be conscious of your thoughts, the words you think, the emotions you feel and the life experiences you create for yourself. DNA is the ultimate permission slip to consciously create your life, and the creation of your life starts with your intentions and your words you use to create from them.

3) Spirulina & Chlorella

The antioxidants, phytochemicals and other super powered qualities of Spirulina & Chlorella make them uniquely fit to support our DNA.
Spirulina & Chlorella are both algaes. They have a superpowered ability to harness the energy of sunlight and transfer it into a powerhouse of nutrients that are perfectly equipped to deliver our DNA what it needs to be fully supported to evolve. (Tip: Taking silica can also be great for this!)
These algaes are also great for cleansing the body of radiation and heavy metals, which can greatly assist in purifying your DNA so its instructions can be delivered uncorrupted to your body. Radiation and heavy metals can throw this transfer off, which can lead to things like cancer. They also support slowing down aging, as DNA decay is the greatest cause of aging we’ve discovered.

4) Sacred Geometry & Sound


Sacred Geometry & Sound are some of our greatest allies on the path to upgrading our DNA. Did you know that they’ve found DNA to actually repair itself when exposed to sacred sound harmonics?
Frequencies like 528 hz, 432 hz, the Solfeggio series and various Binaural Beats, directly affect our anatomy and our biology. These frequencies help us re-attune our vibration to a higher-harmonic vibration, rather than vibrating at low or disharmonic energy waves.
If you consider yourself to be an instrument of energy, attuning your vibration using sound make sense. And it’s the difference between an orchestra in which everyone is unified to create an incredible masterpiece, or if everybody was out of tune playing crazy and creating pure chaos, banging, crashing and going looney tunes. Which do you think would sound better to you? Would you rather your life be pure disharmonic chaos or smooth, beautiful music?
When you apply form to sacred sound, you get sacred geometry. These shapes and forms are uniquely designed to activate our consciousness and bring us closer to the Divine. These geometries are also the foundational principles for the entire structure of the Universe, giving us the bridge from our anatomy to the entire Universe.
Did you know that in ancient times they used Sacred Geometry to build their religious and spiritual buildings in order to keep them attuned to the energy and cycles of the cosmos? It was said to stabilize their society, and keep bountiful harvests occurring seasonally.
As well they would, and still do in many places, play sacred sounds that help attune everyone’s consciousness to the Oneness of the Universe. This is an artform we need to reinstate in our lives, especially if we want to influence the activation of our DNA!

5) Be of Service to the Planet & Humanity


Our DNA is connected to one another, and its activation into the next phase of our evolution is not just something we experience individually, it’s something that we have to support collectively.
One could almost say that all of humanity shares its DNA on some level, and that we also share a direct link to the DNA of all of nature. If you want to upgrade your DNA it will most greatly occur when you spend your life supporting…life!
Be of service to the planet, use your physical body, intellect & creative genius to support our  progress of humanity, and you will progress with it. The best way to predict the future is to create it, and it’s our job to realize this and realize that our DNA is awakening us to recognize the vital mission we all share!
Be of Service to the Planet & Humanity and the rest will reveal itself!
Remember that working with DNA can be a subtle experience, and although it’s very powerful, it’s also very small, fragile and having a conscious relationship to it is a new discovery for us humans.
Focus on your own growth, remember to relax into the journey, breathe consciously throughout your day and open your heart to the magic that can occur, when you decide to Activate & Upgrade Your DNA.
Here is a great video for everything you need on DNA activation:

And if you get stuck, it’s likely you’re running up against resistance. The force that is opposite of growth and can challenge us on our path. Here is a groundbreaking eBook I created for you to help! Over 10,000 people have read it and and loved the amazing insights & benefits it gave them for their lives! I know you will too.
About the authorAmateo Ra is a Conscious Entrepreneur & Business Coach, supporting others build thriving brands & products to support humanity ascend to higher levels of existence. Amateo is also the founder of Creator Course, an Online School & Publisher for Conscious Living which is currently being built.

- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/5-best-ways-to-activate-upgrade-your-dna/#sthash.chyDDweY.gPjxWBw0.dpuf

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